Hyundai MBI International (Formerly known as SBM or Shinwoo) designs and manufactures high-end desktop banknote solutions, both HW and SW.
Our solutions are not for everyday usage, but for the ones who want to improve their cash handling process quantitatively and qualitatively.

Because of lack of the knowledge about key technology, application examples, even some top managers, who are in charge of cash handling process in their workplace, tend to make a wrong purchase decision.
To help them, we explain key technologies, proven field applications to enhance cash handling efficiency/security, and our solution to meet diverse needs of customers.
If you have any proposal, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- See Tech Guide to read key technologies in banknote counting machine or press a picture below to go to your specific interest
- See Applications to read how to make up your cash handling environment.
- See Products to read details of our solutions.
Question? Let us know.